George Nathaniel – Life since 1996 - 97 batch at Institute of Modern Management, Kolkata ( IMM) over rigorous years Learning, Development and Implementation of Experience over Profession and lifestyle…
Believe Good Foundation in Education is most valuable to succeed over any form in Life...
The Journey of evaluation covers major Certification in the Travel Tourism Hospitality and continuously developing insights on Technology, Trends and Brandship...The process of Learning and development Never Stops ….
Over two decades in the Largest Industry, numerous Internationally recognized Affiliation and Certifications - Awarded the “Best Leader in Hospitality & Tourism Technology 2019”, followed by “Hospitality Super Star Award on the 14th Feb 2020” and Awarded Best Leader in Hospitality Technology on 19th Dec 2022 at Thailand by IBCC, USA "
Holding on to all the years of Experience, Achievements and Acknowledgements, still feel my Strength is my Dedication, Persistency and Modesty towards Life....Believe, there is so much more to 'Learn' or Achieve' in Life...
Take-up an idea, make it impactful with inventiveness, and Looking back at the experience, Dreams Bigger with so much more to Explore....
Trust the chosen way to engage and share valuable experiences will enrich lives and build many more Professional Success Stories….

Unbox a New Learning by George Nathaniel